As we try to improve upon who-queries with the AI, we realize that the input of "Who are you" as a query needs to activate instances of the 701=I concept with 800=BE as both a $seq and a $tkb $verblock. It is not enough to insist upon a positive $tkb verblock, because that value is only a time and not the identifier of a concept. The $seq value actually identifies the verb as a particular concept which the SpreadAct() module is trying to find.
It is not even necessary for SpreadAct() to impart activation to the conceptual node of the 800=BE $seq verb, because only the subject of the stored idea needs to have activation high enough to be selected as a response to an incoming query. We may therefore go into SpreadAct() and in the search code for $qv1psi as the subject of the query we only need to verify the existence of the 800=BE $seq verb, not activate it.
In SpreadAct() we make the necessary changes in the code searching for $qv1psi and $qv2psi. We ask "Who are you" and the AI properly answers "I AM THE PERSON." However, as the AI continues thinking, it makes some wrong associations. Suddenly we realize that we forgot to use the $moot flag to prevent the input who-query from leaving associative tags.