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Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Artificial Intelligence in Russian

Tues.31.JAN.2012 -- Generating and Recognizing Verbs

In our Dushka Russian AI we have the problem that new verb-forms generated on the fly by the VerbGen module are not being recognized and tagged with critical parameters as they settle into auditory memory. However, it looks as though a verb does get recognized if the "audpsi" tags for the verb in auditory memory extend far back enough to cover the stem of the verb. Therefore, instead of devising ways to bypass the operation of ReEntry calling AudMem, calling AudRecog, we should perhaps instead implement a "backfill" of any verb generated in the VerbGen module to let the "audpsi" tags extend back to the last "pho(neme)" of the verb-stem. Then the "provisional recall" mechanism in AudRecog ought to recognize the verb-form generated by the VerbGen module.

We created a "vip" variable to hold the value of "motjuste" when VerbPhrase calls VerbGen and to transfer the known concept-number of the verb, near the end of the stem in VerbGen, into the provisional "prc" variable for AudRecog. In this way, we got the AI internally to recognize and record verb-forms generated internally by the VerbGen module. However, to get the AI to call the correct verb-forms, we had to modify some recent OldConcept code for deciding what "dba" value to store with a lexical item. Now we have a problem with tagging the "dba" of a simple word like МЕНЯ when it comes in.

We can not rely on the form of МЕНЯ to tell us its "dba" because it could be genitive or accusative. We need to extract clues from the incoming sentence in order to assign the proper "dba" during the storage of МЕНЯ.

Wed.1.FEB.2012 -- Tagging Engrams with Parameters

We can perhaps rely on the "seqneed" mechanism of InStantiate to provide the "dba" parameter for a noun or pronoun entering the mind as user input. (Perhaps the "seqneed" variable should change to a "seqseek" variable for greater clarity.) We may be able to strengthen the use of "seqneed" by adding a kind of "pass-over" when a preposition is encountered, so that the software continues to look for a direct-object noun when a preposition-plus-noun combination is detected and skipped.

Where the InStantiate module tests for a "seqneed" of "5" and encounters a satisfying noun or pronoun to become a "seq" for the verb, we make the assumption that the time "t" identifies the temporal location of the noun or pronoun in both the Psi array and the "ruLexicon" array. We insert two lines of code to first "examine" the Russian lexical array and then to substitute a numeric "4" for the "ru4" flag of the "dba" value. Since the noun or pronoun is going to be the "seq" of the verb, that same noun or pronoun warrants a "dba" of "4" as a direct object that should be in the accusative case. However, we may need to make other arrangements if the verb is intransitive and the noun must be in the nominative as a predicate nominative.