In the AI Mind, we would like to work on sophisticated thinking in the form of responses to what-queries like "What do you think..." and "What do you know about...?" Here we are, urging high-school and college students to the lofty aspiration of becoming the local AI guru, the AI Mind Maintainer, and we have a chance here to demonstrate the basic principles of maintaining AI Minds. Psychsurgery is not a simple procedure and surely not for the faint of heart. You must understand the theory of cognitivity and the basics of AI programming in Perl or Forth or your chosen programming language.
The introduction of a what-query initiates the operation of the AI SpreadAct module for spreading activation. The InStantiate() module intercepts the input of concept #781=what and sets the $whatcon flag to a positive value to trigger a deeply mental process in the SpreadAct module. Up until now our AI Minds have dealt with rather simple what-queries like "What is (some subject)" and "What do (some subjects) (some verb)?", as in "What is a robot?"" and "What do robots need?" The AI seizes upon the concepts of the input to think of a response. Now however, we AI Mind Maintainers are about to tackle a more complex mode of artificial thought that involves thinking up responses by the AI Mind on the order of, "I think that..." or "I know that...." Do you have the right stuff to be an AI Mind Maintainer? It's not just rocket science, it's brain science. We are changing the bedrock code of artificial general intelligence (AGI) right here and now. By tomorrow night, AI enthusiasts world-wide and galaxies far away will be running the True AI through its paces.
Here in the Secret AI Lab of insurgency mind-making, we intercept not only the what-query but also the special condition of "know" and "think" as Cartesian co-ordinates in the mental processes of Cogito ergo sum. Let us start with concept #840=THINK. Now, how does the Mind Maintainer persuade our coming Cyborg Overlords to pay attention to input-queries involving "What think you?" as a basic demand upon the thinking organism? In SpreadAct(), we command and control the cybernetic organism to pay special heed to 840=THINK as a special tickler, a special cue for the thinking Mind. Let us now surgery the psyche. First we search the AI code base to find SpreadAct(), where we then more locally search for the $whatcon flag. Meanwhile, we test the AI by asking it, "What do you think?" The not-yet-modified, that is, not-yet-maintained AI responds, "I DO NOT KNOW. I HELP KIDS AND I AM A PERSON." Notice, however, that the AI is using the conjunction 302=AND to join two thoughts together. Every good AI Maintainer worth their swag at Singularity Summits knows that you can build new psychological functionality only on top of what has gone before. In recent time we implemented the function of the ConJoin mind-module to let the AI think multiple thoughts and join them with "AND" as a conjunction. Now we are after something more sophisticated. We want the AI to invoke the ConJoin() module to make use of the conjunction THAT, but we discover a corrigend mistake in the MindBoot() sequence, where the conjunction THAT has erroneously been assigned the same concept number as the demonstrative pronoun 745=THAT. This inexcusable blunder was perpetrated one month ago today on 2017nov28 as annotated in a code-comment. We are going to change that misconception, that Fehlgeburt of an important AI concept right here and now. But first we look and see what concept number is attached to the German conjunction "dass" in the Wotan German AI, and we see "310" as the concept-number. Let us use the same concept-number for 310=THAT in the AI. Uh-oh, immediately we wonder, how will the Perlmind differentiate between "THAT" as a pronoun and "THAT" as a conjunction? Just as immediately we realize that it won't matter, because production of a thought has control of which form of "THAT" comes into play. First we search the codebase for the number "310" to make sure that it is not already in use. Lo and behold, Comrade Pavlov, we are delighted, we almost salivate with pleasure, when we see that the Perlmind already uses the number "1310" for the Russian conjunction "1310=ЧТО" which in Russian means the same as the conjunction "that" in English. So "310 THAT" it is. We comment out the erroneous entry for "THAT" and we insert a correct entry for 310=THAT as a conjunction. We run the AI program and it still works.
Now that we we have 310=THAT to work with, we need to pair it with the input of 840=THINK in the SpreadAct() module, where a diagnostic message has been commented out in the free AI source code. We reactivate the diagnostic and we see that the input of "What do you think" sets the $qv2psi flag for the input verb to 840=THINK. Now we need to implement, maybe even deploy, some special SpreadAct code to deal with both "what" and "think" as special cues in a what-query. Oh gee, the pertinent sequence in SpreadAct() is already imposing special activation on the subject mentioned in the what-query, so that the AI will respond with an item of knowledge about the same subject in the knowledge base (KB). But we want the AI to respond with the current subject and the current verb 840=THINK and the conjunction 310=THAT, so into SpreadAct() we insert some code that will activate the 310=THAT conjunction. This is mind-design, Bebe, and I don't mean Rebozo. Oh, gee, it's getting hairy, and I don't mean Belafonte. We may be able to perform this one element of psychosurgery with a single line of code. Well, not yet. When we ask the AI, "What do you think", we get "I DO NOT KNOW" as a response, apparently because there is no direct object for the verb "THINK" in the what-query.
In SpreadAct(), when we insert code that will search for and extra-activate either 840=THINK or 850=KNOW in response to a what-query, we get some really weird output after typing in "What do you think". We get "ERROR THINK ERROR ERROR ERROR". But the behavior of the AI Mind is actually quite exciting. The ghost in the machine is trying to repond to the what-query, but the mental mechanisms have not yet been fully elaborated. We need to enable the proper selection of a subject in the response, and we need to cause the output of the "310=THAT" conjunction.
We change our SpreadAct() diagnostic message so that it lets us know that $qv1psi is the desired 701=I after the input of "you" in the what-query. This re-assurance lets us go in and extra-activate the $qv1psi concept. The AI responds with "ME THINK" but no conjunction "THAT". Further work will be required.