When the ghost.pl AI considers a what-query such as "what do kids make", some mind-module must call the SpreadAct() module to handle the what-query, but which module? We could say that the Indicative() module should make the call to SpreadAct() just before making a response in the indicative mood, but perhaps a response may need to be uttered in a mood other than indicative. The AI Mind might wish to answer the query with an imperative command like "DO NOT BOTHER ME". Or the AI might not understand the what-query and might want to ask a question about it. So perhaps we should have the Sensorium() module call SpreadAct() to respond to a what-query.
We have now introduced a new technique for answering "I DO NOT KNOW" in response to a what-query for which the AI Mind does not find an answer. The AI briefly elevates the $tru truth-value and the activation-level of the idea "I DO NOT KNOW" as stored in the MindBoot() knowledge base (KB), so that the Indicative() module expresses the momentarily true idea. Immediately afterward, the AI returns the $tru truth-value to zero.