When you run the artificial Mind in JavaScript with MSIE, you witness the beginning of the Singularity from its near side but you catch no glimpse of the far side -- which may turn out to be (unlikely) a Garden-of-Eden paradise or (unfortunately) a hellishly catastrophic and totalitarian Gehenna.
If we remain on target with 2012 as the expected arrival of the
Singularity, we have only two or three years left for spreading the
JavaScript Seed AI (JSAI) all over the ecosphere and the ontosphere, not to mention the blogosphere and the noosphere. The JSAI is a
SeedAi because it spreads as easily as germinal spores and then germinates as a living, thinking AI Mind on every host computer dedicated to open-source artificial intelligence or in every science museum exhibiting True AI to the public.
For the JSAI to be truly open-source AI, we need not only to publish the Strong AI source code but also to disseminate the developmental record and history of how the AI Mind came to be -- the ontogenesis as it were, or as it shall be in the unfolding of the moving-finger Cyborg archives.
As of pre-Singularity 2009, the Mentifex AI Mind in JavaScript has arguably the largest installed user base of any True AI in fact or fiction. We hold this truth to be self-evident from the user logs of Netizens who have downloaded the JSAI and kept it running over the last decade. Beginning about one year ago, in 2008 we included a link to AI Lab Notes in the Control Panel of the front screen of the artificial Mind. With each new release of the JSAI software, we tried to link to the newest AI Lab Notes
corresponding to the preparation of each succeeding release of the AI. In that way, each human user of the robot AI could inspect the work of the AI programmer in creating the AI, and could follow links to older and newer entries in the ongoing journal of JSAI development. The Cyborg weblog shall serve as the online archive of journal entries for the development of both MindForth and the JavaScript Seed AI as documented in the Free AI Textbook.
If an AI user anywhere in cyberspace chooses to update the JSAI by following a Control Panel link to a newer version, that newer version will have an AI Lab Notes link to its own archival record of its own ontogenesis. In that way, the AI Mind and its archival labnotes will march forward in a kind of lockstep through time, with any JSAI release on a computer anywhere always linking to its own AI "birth certificate." Each AI update automatically points to a new "birth certificate." A nation, corporation or individual desiring to study the AI and perhaps reverse-engineer its functionality, will be able to track the emergence or disappearance of any AI feature over time by maintaining a repository of successive releases and their corresponding AI Lab Notes.
Whosoever creates a branching divergence from the original AI stem line is encouraged to at least keep (and consider publishing) some form of AI Lab Notes to record the developmental history of the divergent branch in AI evolution. In your own AI coding or AI Manhattan Project, the designated AI archivist is welcome to copy the methodology instantiated here in the Cyborg AI weblog. For instance, each AI journal entry shall typically correspond to a release of the newest AI source code. If the AI coding is prolonged over several days before a new release is issued, each day of work should be recorded not as its own blogpost, but as a subsection of the culminating blogpost made in conjunction with a release of the newest AI software version. In that way, there is only one cumulative journal entry for each release of the AI software, even if the work of the AI coding spans a series of work days.
After each release of new AI Mind source code, the programmer or designated archivist initiates a new accumulation of AI Lab Notes, because the moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on.
Cyborg AI Minds are a true concept-based artificial intelligence with natural language understanding, simple at first and lacking robot embodiment, and expandable all the way to human-level intelligence and beyond. Privacy policy: Third parties advertising here may place and read cookies on your browser; and may use web beacons to collect information as a result of ads displayed here.