When we run ghost246.pl initially without input, no subject-noun is activated, so the EnNounPhrase() module by default activates the "701=I" ego-concept. However, the AudInput module fails to recognize "I" as the first input-word and mistakenly sends "I" into the NewConcept() module. We correct this problem by inserting into the Speech() module a line of code
$pho = " "; AudInput(); # 2017-12-07: prime AudInput with a 32=SPACEwhich makes AudInput and OldConcept able to recognize the "I" pronoun.
Then we had a problem where the Perlmind AI was inserting the conjunction "AND" into its thinking but only showing the second idea, the conjoined idea. We bug-fixed by no longer resetting $output to zero in the Sensorium module.