In the AI, we have a problem where the direct-object $seq of a verb is being indeed properly assigned for human user input, but not for reentrant ideas being summoned from experiential memory. Because the $seq is not yet known when a verb comes in, the $seq value must be assigned retroactively when the direct object of the verb comes in. The situation where the process works for human input but not for a reentrant idea, suggests that the cause of the problem could simply be that the value of some pertinent variable is not being reset as needed.
This problem of the retroactive assignment of the associative $seq tag for a verb is difficult to debug. It may involve making the reentry routine equal to the human-input routine, or it may involve porting into Perl some special code from the 24jul14A.F version of MindForth. We have meanwhile been offering in the computer-science compsci subReddit a suggestion that students in need of an undergraduate research project might look into the Ghost AI software coded in Strawberry Perl 5 as an opportunity to select a mind-module to work on. We feel some urgency to debug our code and get it working as well as possible when we are inviting undergraduate students and graduate students and professors to take over and maintain their own branch of the AI Mind development. There is a steep learning curve to be surmounted before participants in such an artificial general intelligence (AGI) project may move forward in AI evolution. So now we go back to the problem of debugging the retroactive assignment of $seq subsequent-concept tags.
We search our source code for "$psy[" as any instance where a $seq is being inserted either currently or retroactively into a flag-panel row of the @psy conceptual array. We discover that a $verbcon flag for seeking direct or indirect objects is governing the storage of the $seq tag in the Parser() module. Immediately we suspect that the $verbcon flag is perhaps being set during actual human user input but not during the reentry of an idea retrieved from memory. We check and we see that $verbcon is set to unity ("1") in the Parser() module when the part-of-speech $pos variable is at a value of "8" for a verb. The $pos value is set in the OldConcept() module when a known verb is recognized.
We insert a diagnostic message about the direct object in the Parser() module, and the message shows up during human user input, but not during reentry. Apparently the Parser() module is not even being called during reentry. No, it is being called, but the $verbcon flag is not being set properly during reentry. When we comment out the reset of $verbcon at the end of the AudInput() module and we move the reset to the Sensorium() module, we start seeing the assignment of direct-object $seq tags during the reentry of ideas recalled from memory. However, in a later session we must deal with the new problem that improper direct-object $seq flags are being set for personal pronouns during human user input. No, we debug the problem now, simply by resetting time-of-verb $tvb at the start of the EnThink() module, to prevent an output-sentence from adjusting associative tags for a previous sentence with a previous time-of-verb. The AI becomes able to receive "i know you" as input and then somewhat later say "YOU KNOW ME."