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Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Improving the Ghost Perl AI Human-Computer Interface

The Ghost Perl AI has recently become able to pause its thinking long enough to accept keyboard input from a human user, and to stop waiting either when the user presses the Enter-key, or when there is no input at all, or when the user fails to enter the carriage-return. Now we need to discontinue the pause more quickly when there is no activity from the keyboard, so we will try creating a $gapcon variable to be incremented with each loop expecting but not receiving an input character, and to be reset to zero when there is indeed an input character. It works.

A minor problem in is that the MainLoop is displaying the contents of the @psy and @aud memory arrays without a gap-line between input and output. The problem seems to lie with the setting of the time $t value. No, the solution was to set the $krt value in the Sensorium() module after the call to AudInput(), so that the MainLoop can separately display memory data before input and then after input, separated by a blank line.

Next in we tackle the problem where the input diagnostic display was no longer showing each input character prominently left-justified down the edge of the MS-DOS window. We simply moved some old code from an obsolete area up into the currently operative AudInput code. Doing so not only gave us the left-justified display, but we also saw immediately that the $len value is not being reset to zero after each word of input, which prevents words beyond the very first word from being recognzed. We track down and fix the $len problem.