There is a chance that we will attain the Technological Singularity today in our coding of the Ghost Perl Webserver Strong AI, but then we will have to figure out how to blame somebody else for it. Meanwhile we start with a mundane problem. Persons who download Forth and run MindForth see a quivering prompt that invites input from the human user. More importantly, the dynamic, quivering prompt conveys the sense that something is alive and sentient in the AI Forthmind. We need the same user experience in the Ghost Perl AI.
The jittery prompt is achieved in the MindForth AudListen module by having it issue an ASCII SPACE-32 and BACK-SPACE-8 over and over again. When we try to achieve a similar human-computer-interface (HCI) in the Perlmind, it is confusing at first because we seem to be altering multiple lines of the screen simultaneously. Actually we are seeing the AudListen loop re-drawing the screen instantaneously.
Let us shift our attention to the problem of how to insert a default CR carriage-return if there is no human input from AudListen.
From page 354 of the Perl Black Book we have just learned how to use "ord" to deal with ASCII vales as we are so accustomed to do in Forth.
Since we are finding it difficult to detect a "CR" carriage-return in AudListen with ReadKey, we may just let both the AudInput loop and the AudListen loop run their course, with a really long AudInput loop as a way of presenting the human user with an apparent pause in the thinking of the AI.