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Saturday, August 27, 2016


MindForth Programming Journal (MFPJ)
The MindForth Programming Journal (MFPJ) is both a tool in developing MindForth open-source artificial general intelligence (AGI) and an archival record of the history of how the AGI Forthmind evolved over time.

Sat.27.AUG.2016 -- Creating the MindGrid trough of inhibition

In agi00031.F we are trying to figure out why we have lost the functionality of ending human input with a 13=CR and still getting a recognition of the final word of the input. We compare the current AudMem code with the agi00026.F version, and there does not seem to be any difference. Therefore the problem must probably lie in the major revisions made recently to the AudInput module.

From the diagnostic report messages that appear when we run the agi00031.F, it looks as though the 13=CR carriage return is not getting through from the AudInput module to the AudMem module. When we briefly insert a revealing diagnostic into the agi00026.F AudMem start, we see from "g AudMem: pho= 71" and "o AudMem: pho= 79" and "d AudMem: pho= 68" and "AudMem: pho= 13" that the carriage-return is indeed getting through. Therefore in AudInput we need to find a way of sending the final 13=CR into AudMem. Upshot: It turns out that in AudInput we only had to restore "pho @ 31 > pho @ 13 = OR IF \ 2016aug27: CR, SPACE or alphabetic letter" as a line of code that would let 13=CR be one of the conditions required for calling the AudMem module.

Next in the InStantiate module we need to remove a test that only lets words with a positive "rv" recall-vector get instantiated, because we must set "rv" to zero for personal pronouns being re-interpreted as "you" or "I" during communication with a human user. Apparently the Perlmind just ignores the engrams with a zero "rv" and finds the correct forms with a search based on parameters.

Now we would like to see how close we are to fulfilling all the conditions for a proper "trough" of inhibition in the AI MindGrid. When we run the Perl AI and we enter "You know God," we see negative activations in thepresent-most trough of both the input and the concepts of "I HELP KIDS" as the output. In the Forth AGI, we wonder why do not see any negative activations in the present-most trough. Oh, we were not yet bothering to store the "act" activation-level in the Forth InStantiate module. We insert the missing necessary code, and we begin to see the trough of inhibition in both the recent-most input and the present-most output.