The JavaScript artificial intelligence (JSAI) is a clientside AiApp whose natural habitat is a desktop computer, a laptop or a smartphone.
In the English JSAI (JavaScript artificial intelligence), the "nounlock" variable holds onto the time-point of the direct object or predicate nominative for a specific verb. Since the auditory engram being fetched is already in the proper case, there may not be any need to specify any parameters during the search.
As we run the English JSAI at length without human input and with the inclusion of diagnostic "alert" messages, we discover that the JSAI is sending a positive "dirobj" flag into NounPhrase without checking first for a positive "predflag".
Yesterday we commented out NounPhrase code which was supposed to "make sure of agreement; 18may2011" but which was doing more harm than good. The code was causing the AI to send the wrong form of the self-concept "701=I" into the SpeechAct module. Now we can comment out our diagnostic "alert" messages and see if the free AI source code is stable enough for an upload to the Web. Yes, it is.