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Tuesday, March 05, 2013


The DeKi Programming Journal (DKPJ) is both a tool in coding German Wotan open-source artificial intelligence (AI) and an archival record of the history of how the German Supercomputer AI evolved over time.

1 Sun.3.MAR.2013 -- Problems with AskUser

In our efforts to implement InFerence in the Wotan German AI, we have gotten the AI to stop asking "HABEN EVA KIND?" but now AskUser is outputting "HAT EVA DIE KIND" as if the German noun "Kind" for "child" were feminine instead of neuter. We should investigate to see if the DeArticle module has a problem.

2 Mon.4.MAR.2013 -- Problems with DeArticle

By the use of a diagnostic message, we have learned that the DeArticle module is finding the accusative plural "DIE" form without regard to what case is required. Now we need to coordinate DeArticle more with the AskUser module, so that when AskUser is seeking a direct object, so will DeArticle. There has already long been a "dirobj" flag, but it is perhaps time to use something more sophisticated, such as "dobcon" or even "acccon" for an accusative "statuscon". After a German preposition like "mit" or "bei" that requires the dative case, we may want to use a flag like "datcon" for a dative "statuscon". So perhaps now we should use "acccon" in preparation for using also "gencon" and "datcon" or maybe even "nomcon" for nominative.

3 Tues.5.MAR.2013 -- Coordinating AskUser and DeArticle

A better "statuscon" for coordinating between AskUser and DeArticle is "dbacon", because it can be used for all four declensional cases in German. When we use "dbacon" and when we make the "LEAVE" statement come immediately after the first instance of selecting an article with the correct "dbacon", we obtain "HAT EVA DAS KIND" as the question from AskUser after the input of "eva ist eine frau". We still need to take gender into account, so we may declare a variable of "mfncon" to coordinate searches for words having the correct gender.